Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Vold farm stabber

The photo of the stabbur (storehouse) on the Vold farm was taken about 1952 by Laura Vold. The building has been replaced by a newer stabbur. The Vold farm is located across the street from the church in Flaa, Norway. It, too, is centuries old and was originally part of the Gulsvik farm. My great-grandfather, Ole Halgrimson Vold (Wold) was born on the farm on 19 March 1832. Ole's father was Halgrim Syversen Wold, christened 1790, on September 26. Halgrim's Parents: Syver and Ragnild Lie Wold. Test (witnesses): Ragnild and Embret Ganderud, Gunild and Syver Wold, Levor Olsen. (Parish record 5/57 Nes and Flå).

Marriage: 17 Feb. 1816. Bachelor, Halgrim Syversen Wold. 27 years old, and Anne Olsd. Sefre maid 23 years old. Best men: Ole Olsen Onsgaard and Parish Clerk Paulsen. (Parish record 7/394 Nes and Flå). Anne was the daughter of Ole Knudsen (Maelum) Sefre and Margit Trulsdatter 

Pictures: Ole Halgrimson Vold, the youngest son, in Worth County, Iowa, about 1900 


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Norwegian Pulpit Supply Team

Pastor Arlen Fiske (seated) wearing an original Lutheran "ruff" collar and vestments. Pastor Fiske is the author of many novels about Norwegian life and customs.

Standing: Klokker (the layman who presided at the opening and closing of worship)

Pastor Frank (Pastor from Al, Norway)

Pastor CynthiaForde ... me  (Pastor from Texas)
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The Gandrud Cousins and Hans Bekken (Mayor of Flaa, NOR)

Posted by PicasaKrista Gandrud Sanda Johnson, Hans Bekken (Mayor of Flaa, NOR), and Cynthia under the big tent at Walcott, ND. This is the day Mayor Bekken became so sunburned he had to be hospitalized upon his return to Norway. Krista's great-grandfather Engebret and my great-grandmother Brynhild were brother and sister, descendants of Stor Gandrud from Flaa, Norway.

Wagon Train into Walcott, ND

Mid-day in Walcott, ND, we were treated to a wagon train showing us how our ancestors arrived in the midwest.
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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Photo, Peter Gandrud, Mayor from Flaa and CF

Peter Gandrud, Hans Bekken, (Mayor of Flaa, NOR) and Cynthia in front of the Hallinglag Banner. Moorhead, MN - 2007 (Krista Gandrud Sanda Johnson, Photographer).

I will post more photos and information about Stevne as the photos become available. Thanks, Krista!

In the meantime, we will continue with the history of Hallingdal and begin to look at the reasons for the big Norwegian migration to America in the 19th century.


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Photo of Cynthia and Mayor of Flaa, Norway

Hans Bekken, (Mayor of Flaa, Norway) and Cynthia - taken at the Centennial Stevne of the Hallinglag of America, Moorhead, MN - 2007. A Stevne is a meeting; the Hallinglag is an organization of descendants of Norwegians from Hallingdal, Norway. The Hallinglag began with a flourish in 1907 at Walcott, ND. We bussed from Moorhead to Walcott for a day that involved a tour of the historic district (two buildings). Now, I don't necessarily recommend Walcott as the most exciting place to tour - but it was a very memorable occasion.

The mayor was a most congenial fellow - but he did not speak English. The next day I finally located a translator and learned he had been trying to ask me if I had attended the Gandrud family reunion in Norway. And, no, I had not. He knows our cousin Nils Kolbjorn Skinnes (see earlier blog photo of Cynthia and Kolbjorn in front of our gg grandfather's clock).

It was so much fun to see the bunads and listen to the youth choir from Al, Norway. I enjoyed participating in worship on Sunday morning with Pastor Arlen Fiske and the youth pastor from Norway. We had a delightful moment when Pastor Fiske met the Norwegian youth pastor and said,"I understand you can read Norwegian?" The Norwegian pastor laughed so hard and so did I. He was able to read the scriptures in Norse (because I could not do that part). It was fun to learn about the way our immigrant ancestors worshipped using laypeople they called "Klokkers." One of my Vold ancestors in Norway was a Klokker - and now I know what that means.

And if I look tired - it is because I was exhausted from lack of sleep. We stayed in dorm rooms at the Uof MN in Moorhead ... and the beds were likely castoffs from a Nazi Prisoner of War camp. Cousin Krista had a very rude awakening at five AM when her bed broke down. The best part of the trip was meeting Peter and Marilyn Gandrud and to spend so much time conversing with Cousin Krista! She is a delightful person. We are really "identical cousins!"
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Norwegian Bunad


The  bunad is the Norwegian folk costume specific for each community down to the tiniest details; it is pronounced bunahh. This particular bunad is likely from Al and not Flaa. Flaa's bunad can be seen in the photo of Vis-Kari in an earlier post. But this one is similar. Each bunad is very intricate and costs several thousand dollars to create. The woolens must come from that vicinity, too. Even the jewelry is unique to each community. The folk costumes are colorful and practical; the women's can be "let out" for pregnancies - and in the case of this bunad, no one will notice the pregnancy for some months. The daytime bunad is belted and not so heavily embroidered. A set of keys hung from the waist belt of the day dress. 


Having spent almost four years of my life being pregnant - I am very certain that I would NOT want to wear this bunad - not even for a day! Good grief! The only way I would wear a bunad like this without the waist is by pasting a photo of my head on the picture. - which is exactly what I did! Posted by Picasa


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Vis-Kari: The Norwegian Mystic

A large oil painting of Kari Pedersdatter (of Sevre) hangs in the church's narthex in Flaa (mid-19th century). How cool is that? One normally finds paintings displayed in a church narthex of Jesus in the Garden or with the little children. It is indeed compelling because Vis-Kari (Wise Kari) was not only, God Forbid, a female, but she was a lay preacher even to kings, long before it was acceptable for such unheard-of practices. Her preaching brought about great religious fervor against the backdrop of the Pietistic Haugean lay movement that swept Scandinavia. Kari spoke out strongly against the use of alcohol and such frivolities as music and dancing.

But the tale gets stranger still: Kari was called Vis or Wise because she was a mystic: Norway's only known mystic. Kari had "spells." She spoke of visions when she awoke from one of her spells or unconscious periods. And the crowds became quiet; they listened to words speaking truths they were not accustomed to hearing. Hundreds of men (get that????) obeyed her call to give up drinking and to burn their musical instruments.

Reading about Vis-Kari brings to mind mystics ranging from Hildegarde of Bingen, St. Teresa, and St. John of the Cross - to Dag Hammarskjold, one of our modern-day mystics. What exactly is the definition of a mystic? Wikipedia: "A mystic believes in the existence of realities beyond human comprehension." I suppose the same can be said for schizophrenics. Not all mystics have visions either; some speak of an existential experience of the immanent or transcendent God that is life-transforming, yet, words fail them as they try to describe an encounter with "Something." They don't hear words or see visions, but they comprehend and grasp the deeper realities of God's presence among us in wondrous ways.

Kari's story intrigues me as a Lutheran clergywoman who witnessed the difficulties women faced entering the ministry in the first ten years following the ordination of women in the Lutheran Church. Yet, here is an uneducated farmer's daughter who experiences a "call" to ministry over a hundred years earlier than the ordination of women in the US. She is not only accepted, but she walks hundreds of miles preaching to the king. He not only receives her, but he listens to her. She preaches to men, and they obey as though God Almighty is speaking directly to them. She had visions at a time it was certainly not politically correct to hear from God apart from the written word (in Norwegian). And the people are so amazed they call her Vis-Kari. Who can help but stand in awe and wonder at the mystery of God using a young woman to bring such changes?

Vis-Kari lived at the same time and in the same place as my great-grandmother, Brynhild Engebretsdatter; no doubt they knew each other because Brynhild's aunt Kristi was Kari's stepmother. She was a Sevre - as was her mother-in-law, Anne Olsdtr. Sevre/Sefre.

While I cannot agree that her fervor against dancing or burning musical instruments was the Word of the Lord- I can rejoice to see her image displayed in the church at Flaa, knowing she was a community treasure.

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

Flaa Church, Norway

The church of Flaa, Norway, was built about 1859 to replace the old Stave Church. The Vold farm is across the road - about where the photographer stood. In 1860, Ole Halgrimsen walked across the street to make his vows to Brynhild Engebretsdatter. In May of 1861, Ole and his bride of one year got the "Amerika Fever." Ole sold the Vold Gaard and set sail for America to join three siblings, Margit, Truls, and Sever, already in Rice County, Minnesota. Ragnild stayed behind in Norway. For me, it was an exciting moment to step into the high pulpit of this church and imagine the mixed pride and horror that my great-grandparents would have felt knowing their great-granddaughter was a member of the clergy.

Ole and Brynhild set sail out of Drammen, Norway, in May on the ship Flora, bound for London and then embarking onto Quebec, Canada, where they landed in August. They journeyed onto Wisconsin for supplies and prepared to move by covered wagon to Rice County, Minnesota, near Nerstran,d where they farmed for eleven years before settling permanently in Worth County, Iowa.
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Gandrud Clock

1996 photo of cousin Nils Kolbjorn Skinnes and me (Cynthia) taken in front of the grandfather clock that has been in the house and family since 1837. The clock belonged to our shared ancestors Engebret Kolbjornson Gandrud and his wife, Gunhild Knudsdatter Hilde. I had the clock reproduced in Norway by a master woodcarver and a rosemaling artist. Photos of my clock will be on the blog later.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Stabbur on the Vold Gaard

The photo of the stabbur (storehouse) on the Vold farm was taken about 1952 by Laura Vold. The building has been replaced by a newer stabbur. The Vold farm is located across the street from the church in Flaa, Norway. It, too, is centuries old and was originally part of the Gulsvik farm. My great grandfather, Ole Halgrimson Vold (Wold) was born on the farm on 19 March 1832. Ole's father was Halgrim Syversen Wold who was christened 1790, September 26. Halgrim's Parents: Syver and Ragnild Lie Wold. Test (witnesses): Ragnild and Embret Ganderud, Gunild and Syver Wold, Levor Olsen. (Parish record 5/57 Nes and Flå).

Marriage: 17 Feb. 1816. Bachelor, Halgrim Syversen Wold. 27 years old, and Anne Olsd. Sefre maid 23 years old. Best men: Ole Olsen Onsgaard and Parish Clerk Paulsen. (Parish record 7/394 Nes and Flå). Anne was the daughter of Ole Knudsen (Maelum) Sefre and Margit Trulsdatter Kolsrud.
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The Gandrud Gaard, Flaa Norway, 1996

Photo by Cynthia Forde, 2014, Gandrud farm. buildings (stabbur)

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